Friday, April 27, 2007
Yeshua Hamashia - Santa Geracao
second video I made, to a song I heard when I was in Brazil...It talks about God's love for us and everything he's done!
Words can't express how grateful I am everytime I think where I (We) could be if It wasn't for his sacrifice! May God Bless you!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
All In ( Letting Go) TobyMac
I'm actually getting good at this...hahahah...if not, I'm at least enjoying it! Anyways...I think these videos are a powerful tool to preach the Gospel and that's what matters the most.
This song in particular has so much meaning to me, because that's exactly what i feel right now and ever since I decided not to hold back and go HEART first with Christ! I hope you enjoy it...God Bless! L.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Check this out...
If you had the fear ( just like I did) of allowing Jesus to work in EVERY aspect or area in your life or still have that feeling...read this:
Have you deliberately committed your WILL to Jesus Christ?
It is a transaction of the will, not of emotion; any positive emotion that results is simply a superficial blessing arising out of the transaction.
If you focus your attention on the emotion, you will never make the transaction. Do not ask God what the transaction is to be, but make the determination to surrender your will regarding whatever you see, whether it is in the shallow or the deep, profound places internally.
Oswald Chambers, My utmost for his highest
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
My notes from the Youth Conference.
The Youth Conference titled "You Shall be my witnesses" (April 6-8) was truly a Amazing!
I hope what I wrote down will bless you as much as it blessed me!
In Him,
I hope what I wrote down will bless you as much as it blessed me!
In Him,
Saturday, april 7th
Best way of Witnessing, is to witness in the Character of Christ.
3 Things Jesus did as a Witness:
Jesus always treated everyone as God’s highest creature.
You’ve never heard Jesus say things derogatory towards anybody, when he looked at a somebody, he saw a person before a sinner
What made Jesus so approachable, was he way HE approached people.
Always with Grace and Truth.
How could he love Judas? He washed Judas’ feet
Because Jesus, has a wider vision, This person has a purpose in God’s plan. We need to have this vision also.
His Words Save, never alienate.
Jesus ALWAYS gave himself first
We got to break away from our comfort zone!
Live your life according to what the LORD has designed for you!
Jesus was always an advocate, a witness!
Satan, stands (means) “adversary”.
How many times us as Christians stand as WITNESS instead of ADVERSARY?
The key to the last example, is to approach in an unforeseen angle.
“Break the ice”, “Be kind”
Approach people, from an “unforeseen angle of elevation”.
Jesus treated the Samaritan woman, just like any other woman.
Live a life led by the Spirit, NOT doctrines.
Sunday april 8th
The importance of Worshipping and Witnessing.
Both things are essential.
The doing of witnessing – Acts 1 -8
How is our God being portraited?
Witness and Testify the incredible largness of being God’s creatures.
The World expects us to be “Moral Police.”
What if we come in an “unexpected angle”.
How Large is Jesus in us?
We are born to be witnesses, born with a compelling passion within.
It’s a real blessing to Witness
Watchman Nee once saind:
“The two happiest days in a Christian’s life is the day they are saved and the day they lead somebody to Salvation in Jesus Christ”
Get people in the “Witness zone”, The Holy Spirit is not only for our own consumption.
Is Jesus, The Lord of your boat? If So, believe he’s LEAD you to that place.
If Jesus is not leading, than He’s NOT your Lord.
Follow the Spirits leading,it’s not hard to follow the leading and make sure you follow the WILLING.
Conduct yourself with Wisdom.
“Unexpected angle” = Seasoned food
Chinese people, call “non Christians” as “Gospel Friends”, that is an example of an Unexpcted angle;
Witnessing includes Sacrificing things you are accustomed to.
If Jesus Christ who is God, died for me, than there isn’t too big of a sacrifice We can do for him.
The Door waits before us, are you ready?
Best way of Witnessing, is to witness in the Character of Christ.
3 Things Jesus did as a Witness:
Jesus always treated everyone as God’s highest creature.
You’ve never heard Jesus say things derogatory towards anybody, when he looked at a somebody, he saw a person before a sinner
What made Jesus so approachable, was he way HE approached people.
Always with Grace and Truth.
How could he love Judas? He washed Judas’ feet
Because Jesus, has a wider vision, This person has a purpose in God’s plan. We need to have this vision also.
His Words Save, never alienate.
Jesus ALWAYS gave himself first
We got to break away from our comfort zone!
Live your life according to what the LORD has designed for you!
Jesus was always an advocate, a witness!
Satan, stands (means) “adversary”.
How many times us as Christians stand as WITNESS instead of ADVERSARY?
The key to the last example, is to approach in an unforeseen angle.
“Break the ice”, “Be kind”
Approach people, from an “unforeseen angle of elevation”.
Jesus treated the Samaritan woman, just like any other woman.
Live a life led by the Spirit, NOT doctrines.
Sunday april 8th
The importance of Worshipping and Witnessing.
Both things are essential.
The doing of witnessing – Acts 1 -8
How is our God being portraited?
Witness and Testify the incredible largness of being God’s creatures.
The World expects us to be “Moral Police.”
What if we come in an “unexpected angle”.
How Large is Jesus in us?
We are born to be witnesses, born with a compelling passion within.
It’s a real blessing to Witness
Watchman Nee once saind:
“The two happiest days in a Christian’s life is the day they are saved and the day they lead somebody to Salvation in Jesus Christ”
Get people in the “Witness zone”, The Holy Spirit is not only for our own consumption.
Is Jesus, The Lord of your boat? If So, believe he’s LEAD you to that place.
If Jesus is not leading, than He’s NOT your Lord.
Follow the Spirits leading,it’s not hard to follow the leading and make sure you follow the WILLING.
Conduct yourself with Wisdom.
“Unexpected angle” = Seasoned food
Chinese people, call “non Christians” as “Gospel Friends”, that is an example of an Unexpcted angle;
Witnessing includes Sacrificing things you are accustomed to.
If Jesus Christ who is God, died for me, than there isn’t too big of a sacrifice We can do for him.
The Door waits before us, are you ready?
Friday, April 13, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Monday, April 2, 2007

Hoje, durante o meu devocional...O senhor falou profundamente ao coracao.
Como algums ja sabem, fiz o alvo de ler novamente a Biblia...estou seguindo o meu proprio "plano de leitura", no qual se resume em ler capitulos de um especifico livro, algum Salmo ou Proverbio e alguma carta de Paulo;
Devido ao fato de querer dar sequencia ao Torah (5 primeiros livros da Biblia), estou ainda em Genesis.
Cheguei a parte do livro relativa a Jose, e me maravilho porque vemos como a palavra do Senhor esta sempre se renovando.
Pude notar como o plano do Senhor e perfeito...um exemplo claro disso(dentre varios na vida e trajetoria de Jose), foi que quando jogado no poco...talvez no momento, fosse apenas "uma pessoa dentro do poco"...mas nos planos do Senhor, era o inicio de uma trajetoria de como o Senhor iria dar continuacao a decendencia de seu povo, a trajetoria de alguem que nao se abalou pelas circunstancias mas manteve o seu olhar fixo (Unicamente atraves da Fe) no "Alvo".
Essa passagem (de Jose ter sido jogado no poco), talvez pelo fato dos acontecimentos em minha vida nos ultimos meses, me tocaram profundamente;Sinto como se as vezes, estivesse tambem sido jogado dentro de um poco; No entanto, vejo Jose como um grande exemplo...nao vou olhar pra circunstancia...mas sempre acreditar, que existe um Deus que ja esta olhando la na frente e que isso...e apenas uma "virgula" no seu proposito.
Que o Senhor continue nos abencoando e fortalecendo a nossa fe!
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