This is a great song by P.O.D based on Psalm 27. It's such a powerful song with a very strong powerful message and was recorded together with Matisyahu,, whose a jew. Actually..Matisyahu chose this Psalm and it was only going to be an interlude on the cd...but it came out so good that they decided to make a song out of it. Bottom line is...I was looking for a song to post here and chose this video, in which you can actually read the words to the song! I hope you enjoy it! God Bless, L.P
Monday, April 14, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Every Soul...

This is a song that spoke deeply to my heart, titled "How Sweet The Name" by Delirious. It's so simple yet so powerful! Thank You Lord...for your unconditional love. My soul has a savior! God Bless, Lucas Penido. (*ps. Click here to download the song)
Thursday, April 3, 2008

I'm realizing now, that the number one thing that has kept me from growing in my spiritual life, without a doubt wasn't even sin. It was fear. Fear of consequences, fear in form of doubt (ex: "Am I worthy?"), fear of capability (to accomplish something), fear...fear..fear.
There's a song by Jars of Clay, which I'm listening to it right now; it's called "Much Affraid" and it pretty much talks about that. There's a verse in it that says..."...All of these things/ I've held up in vain, No reason nor rhyme/Just the scars that remain/Of all of these things/Im so much afraid/Scared out of my mind/By the demons Ive made..". If you have ever gone through fear, you know that the verse I just typed summarizes that feeling. However like brother Watchman Nee wrote in one of his books, the whole battle is "fought" in our minds and without a doubt, the enemy knows that fear is his ak-47! Let me be short today, but let me say something...I'm declaring out loud that I'm through with that! Yes, fear might come once in a while but I'm not going to let that hold me from stepping up and letting the Lord use me in whatever HE wants. Tell you why not...because I have much more to gain than to lose, even if I make mistakes...what I have to gain by stepping up is much bigger, much more. the Lord says in 2nd Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." Enough said! Let me finish just by know what I love about the song I mentioned in the beggining? that at the end, after stating all his thoughts and fears...he says..."Sweet Jesus, YOU'll never let me go!" You might be reading this blog for the first or the billionth time...bottom line is...He'll never let you go if you come to him. Pray for me as I'll do the same for you, all you got to do is holla! God Bless, Lucas Penido.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I'm Luke Skywalker...

I made a few serious decisions in my life this week, one of them being that no matter what it takes...I'm going to prioritize my spiritual life. (By the way, I'm already going to apologise for all the mispelling, my settings are in portuguese due to "The Hype BR" and I really don't want spell check, instead I want to write what's on my heart). Sometimes I want to come in here and write. however, it's not everyday that something "supernatural" happens (or at least is noticed) and I just don't want to come in here and bla bla bla bla bla... Tell you what, today on my devotional...I read something that deeply touched me! I knew I was meant to read that! Why? Humn...Well, it just answers so much right now. (I'm actually re-reading it right now, and I think the whole chapter would fit) but the one verse that really stuck with me is something that should be obvious but maybe because it's in the Bible it makes so much more sense and it just goes straight to the heart..well, that verse was 1st Timothy 6:7..which says "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out". I many times have I said that among friends or in the middle of a conversation, etc...but do we truly believe that? ...and if so, do we act like we do? The Enemy is very subtle and when I think I've "mastered" on something...I realize, it's only by the the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ that I can truly do anything...especially as a young adult leaving in a world full of things that tell syou that "..You are only as important as what you have, who you are, etc..."
Forget that! I'm goning to tell you something straight up! Enough with the "glitter"! Hey, no disrespect to all my fans and people that read "The Hype Br" but my walk with my Lord needs to be my priority and if that means carrying my cross which could come in so many different ways...then, that's what I'm willing to do! I love what I do...but the Lord has been speaking so much to me lately on how my blessings have turned into a distraction and how they have opened a door/gap/whole..whatever you want to call..for the enemy to come in. Tell you what, listen/read closesly now: I'm all about Galatians 2:20...I'm crucified! I don't have the strenght to do alot but I got a father that does...and HE promised me all I gotta do is trust. I've been to both sides and I'm Luke Skywalker...I don't belong in the dark side. Fact! Pray for me as I'll do the same for you...may all i do, all my talent, used for the glory of my Lord and only savior JESUS. God Bless, Lucas Penido. (To the sound of André Valadão...I've heard this song 44 times in the past 24's called "I can't see you" and the chorus goes like "I Can't See you but I just know/ You are the "I AM"/Can't see you but I know Who you are...Alpha and Omega."
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