Haven't posted in a "minute". Life's been so crazy this past couple of months with all the traveling, the store, the blog, the projects...etc...and It's really hard to focus and prioritize what really matters sometimes. All that really matters if I get down to it, or at least what should be #1 is my spiritual life. All the glitter, the work, the "this and that" is secondary...if not irrelevant! But once again...it's pretty hard not to let those things "pile up" and next thing you see, you're lost at sea again or at least...far from the target. Two brothers though, in different occasions shared something with me and for some reason...short, straight to the point sentences have way more impact in me than you know...a loooong "breaking down the points" talk. I guess the spirit testifies ...well..I'm sure the spirit testifies..and they said...something along these lines..."blessings usually turn out to be distractions, but His grace is greater"...hey, blessings do turn out to distraction????? That's me 100%! I feel like almost every blessing in my life has in a way or another taken more than sometimes they should...however, Our Lord's grace always comes to the rescue and keeps me grounded even if sometimes i gotta go through things I really didn't need to. However this other brother said something only 2 days ago that really stuck with me...he said "Don't let the good get in the way of the BEST"...hey, that's all I needed to hear. I pray that the Lord gives me the same strength he gave Joseph to escape Pharaoh's wife however...I need to seek as much as Joseph did. Nothing comes for free and there's no shortcuts in our walk with Christ. Anyways...it's 03:30 in the morning but I just felt like coming in here and saying.."Hello"! Keep me in your prayers as I will do the same...(just drop me an email saying your name or whatever so I know who to pray about)! God Bless, Lucas Penido.