My dear friend
Dana Congdon, suggested to me and some of my friends (I actually call them brothers and sisters...), that we read biographies from some well known christians...you know, people that've had a call to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ; As a matter of fact, you might actually know some of them...people like C.S Lewis, CT Studd, Charles Spurgeon...(no...they don't all start with the letter "C") and my favorite...Oswald Chambers. Now...why is Oswald Chambers my favorite?! Is it because, as a child...I would never forget the image of my father on his knees (in the morning) praying...with a copy of "
My Utmost for HIS highest" next to him? Is it because Oswald Chambers had such a revelation...and was bold enough to simplify alot of the things I had doubts about..by the way, here in NY we call that an "stand up guy"? Is it even...because a week after Dana said that...I got "Mr. Chambers" biography as a gift from my sister...and since I don't believe in coincidence, you know....? Well...as you probably guessed, all of the above! So today, I finished talking to a friend and tried to go to sleep...hummnnn...sleep...let's just say that after 17 yrs, I am insomnia free (and that's a miracle!), however today...It's not that I couldn't sleep... but the fact was... the Lord wanted me to read something, and the graphic i quiclky made, yes..the one you see posted as a picture, was it! This sentence pierced my heart in such a way you have no Idea! Oswald Chambers said those words..."I don't care what God does, It's what God is that I care about"...to his wife, as he was fighting for his life in a hospital bed. Seriously...who am I to say anything else to the Lord, besides THANK YOU and HALLELUJAH! "Obvious Time" is officially in session! We live in a great country! We got friends, food in our table, peace, money, love, and most importantly...JESUS...yet we complain! Lord please...give us the faith, boldness and heart for you...to just like your servant, not care so much about what you'll do...after all you know, you have a pretty nice record of keeping your promises...but help us to focus on what YOU are. To finish...I'll quaote your other servant Martin Smith, from the group Delirious when he says..." Save me! Save me! From the kingdom of comfort where I am king....To this kingdom of heaven where YOU are king! God Bless, Lucas Penido.